This webpage will document everything about Steve Lacy. It will be a one-stop shop to learn about his past,
his albums and music he has worked on, his influences, and upcoming tour dates.
This webpage is intended for anyone who is interested in music really. Steve Lacy's music has already touched
so many people and his career has just been taking off the past few years. For those who already love his music,
this is a place where they can learn even more. For those who have no clue who he is, this webpage will tell them
everything they need to know.
As I stated before, there will be multiple different pages linked to the home page. The main ones in the navigation
being: about steve, albums, career highlights, upcoming tour information. In the About Steve section, I will branch
out to discuss his history and his musical influences growing up. The albums section will list the 3 albums he has
released so far along with any singles. Although he hasn't won any huge awards yet, he has worked with some impressive
artists and the audience will learn more about them in the Collaborations section of his Highlights. Lastly, Steve has
a tour coming up and for those who are interested, they can find the tour dates and links to buy tickets on the Tour Info
On Steve Lacy's official website, he has many multiple graphics scattered across his homepage (shown below). His vibe is more
scattered and artistic and I want to include elements of this in my webpage; possibly using scattered graphics as buttons which
will link to the various pages of the website.